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Nurturing Hearts and Minds

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Year 6

Welcome to Year 6 

6SB Mrs Sampson & Miss Booton

6L Mr Lane

6D Mr Land




Our LSAs are Mrs Davies, Mrs Donald,  Miss Hammond & Mrs Wills 



Summer Term


Welcome back to a very busy term! We hope you (and your children) are all

relaxed and ready for the challenges of the new term – your children’s last at Trinity! Our overarching topic is ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ (Michael Morpurgo), and will involve elements of geographical and historical study.


Tests (and Thank You):

We really appreciate the efforts that your children have already put into their preparation for their SATs. In addition, we are very grateful for the support of the parents in assisting and facilitating the children’s revision process. We are nearly there now, so your continued support for the five weeks after Easter will be really appreciated. During the actual test week, we urge children to have an early night, and have a healthy breakfast. To enable this, we will be running a ‘breakfast café’ from 8.40, where we invite the children in to the hall (come through the gates at the usual time) to have a breakfast snack and a calm and settled start to the morning. If your child is unfortunately ill during SATs week, we request that they still come in to take the test (they can then be collected to be taken home immediately afterwards). If you have any concerns, please contact us.


Summer Term Curriculum:

This half-term, we will be reading ‘Kensuke’s Kingdom’ in class, and using this as source material for our writing. In science, we will be learning that ‘Everything Changes’ in our exploration of evolution and adaptations. We will also be learning about The Battle of Britain. In addition, our RHSE topics shall be ‘Healthy Me’ followed by ‘Dreams and Goals’. We will also start to put together the Year 6 Leavers’ Production. Parts will be auditioned for and allocated around half term, and spoken parts will receive their lines for learning during the May/June half term break. Also, this term, we will be fundraising using ‘Make £5 grow’ where each small group receives £5 to plan a business enterprise, culminating in running their own stall at a special school event. Further details will be given nearer the time.  


P.E. and Swimming

P.E kits can be worn to school on PE days. Kit consists of black shorts, white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Y6 will continue to have their PE sessions on a Tuesday and a Thursday.


Your child will need to wear their PE kit to school on those days unless they are swimming, in which case they will bring their swimming kit in and wear school uniform as usual.


6D will be swimming for the term. Please make sure they have their swimming kit in every Tuesday.  Their lessons will begin on Tuesday 09th April.


Bristol Residential:

We are fast approaching the June residential to Bristol. Please ensure that you are up-to-date with the payment schedule. If you are experiencing any difficulties, please come and speak to a member of staff. We will be holding a meeting on Wednesday 5th June at 17:00 to discuss this trip.


If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to ask!

Key Dates:


Tuesday 16th April – Heights and Weights R & Yr 6


Monday 6th May – Bank Holiday


Monday 13th May to Thursday 16th May - Year 6 SATs Week


Friday 24th May – Non-uniform (Bring a bottle) & Yr 6 Disco




Monday 03rd June – Start of final summer half-term


Wednesday 05th June – Bristol Residential Parents’ Meeting


Friday 7th June to – Non-uniform (Chocolates)


Friday 14th June – Year 6 Grow £5


Friday 21st June – Summer Fete


Wednesday 26th June to Friday 28th June – Bristol Residential


Friday 12th July – Year 6 Leavers’ Party


Monday 24th June – Year 5/6 Sports Day


Tuesday 16th July – Yr 6 Production Evening Performance


Wednesday 17th July – Yr 6 Production Matinee Performance


Friday 19th July – Leavers’ Assembly (9 a.m.) End of school year - all parents/carers are welcome to attend. 
















SATs Timetable

Summer Timetable
