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Trinity Primary School

Nurturing Hearts and Minds

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Year 2

Welcome to Year Two.

2H Miss L Head

2C Miss J Chandler 

2L Miss M Lewis 

Our Teachers

and Our Learning Support Assistants


In English this term, we will be writing a persuasive letter based on The Day The Crayons Quit. Following on from this, we will be writing non-fiction information texts based on Big Cats, inspired by our Safari Park visit!


This term, we will be reading Nim’s Island by Wendy Orr. Please support your child by reading 5 times a week and logging this on Boom reader. Any book from home or school can be logged. For every week that your child has five reads logged on Boom Reader, your child will earn a ticket that is entered into the end of term reading raffle. The winning children at the end of each half term will visit the Children’s Bookshop.  Children who did not pass their Year 1 Phonics screening test will take a retake during the week beginning 10th June.


In our daily maths lessons, we will be learning to tell the time to the nearest five minutes. This is something you can support with your child’s learning at home. Throughout Year 2, we are learning the 2, 5 and 10 times table. In our unit on Fractions, we will be learning to find half and a quarter of an object and amount.


In Science we will be studying ‘Living Things and Their Habitats’. We will be learning about animals around the world, their homes and drawing basic food chains.

P.E. and Swimming

P.E kits are still required to be worn to school on the day of your child’s P.E. lesson. Just a reminder that the school P.E. kit consists of plain black shorts or joggers, a black sweatshirt or hoody and white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Please ensure that if your child wears earrings to school, these are either removed by the child themselves or taped up with tape provided from home.

All Year 2 children will be doing outdoor PE on a Monday. 

2C and 2L will also have outdoor PE on a Wednesday so will be required to wear their PE kit to school on this day.

2H are swimming throughout the summer term. Please can they bring their swimming kit in school each Wednesday and come to school dressed in their school uniform.


In our weekly Geography lesson, we will be learning about the Yanomami tribe who live in South America, near the Amazon rainforest.

Our topic in RSHE is ‘Healthy Me’ where we will be learning about the important of a balanced diet, sleep and regular exercise.

