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Trinity Primary School

Nurturing Hearts and Minds

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Year 5

Welcome to Year 5 

5W is taught by Mr. Walker
5R is taught by Miss. Roberts

The Year 5 teachers...

And our TAs...

A warm welcome to Year 5! Attached is some information about Year 5 including some key information rules and routines, and the topics and texts we will be studying this term. 


The year group is divided into 2 classes:
5W is taught by Mr. Walker and is supported by Miss. Thompson
5R is taught by Miss. Roberts and supported by Mr. Smith 
To tie in with our Earth and Space topic, we will be using a wonderful picture book called Armstrong: The Adventurous Journey of a Mouse to the Moon, then moving onto Greek Myths. We ask that children continue to read 5 times per week and for this to be logged on BoomReader.


We will be starting with the book Computer Dad as our stimulus for our narrative writing. We will then be using Mars Transmission. After half term, we are using the poem ‘The Highwayman’ and finishing the term with ‘The Snowman.’


We will be starting our work looking at place value, progressing on to addition, subtraction, multiplication and division. Within this, children will be faced with a range of problems to solve. We will be working hard at making sure the children know their times tables, but it is imperative that they continue to practise them at home, using TTRock stars.



In Science, we will study the fascinating topic Earth and Space. After half term, we will be looking at forces in motion, including: gravity, air resistance and friction and water resistance. In Geography, we will be looking at 4 and 6 figure grid references and then moving onto History and the Ancient Greeks.


PPA, P.E and Swimming

PE will take place on a Monday and a Tuesday. P.E kits are required to be worn into school on those days. Kit consists of Plain black shorts, white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Monday PE will be outside, so children can wear School PE kit or plain grey or black joggers in the event of cold weather (no logos, additional colours or stripes are acceptable).

For Autumn term, 5R will be swimming every Tuesday morning starting on 10th September so require their swimming kits on this day, children will need to wear school uniform to school, this will continue for the entire term. 5W will rotate between PE and Art during their PPA morning, so will need to wear PE kit into school that day. If your child cannot participate in swimming or PE for any reason, they must bring a letter explaining reasons why as it is part of the curriculum.


We would like every child to engage in their reading as this is key to so many other areas of the curriculum, therefore for the first half term we will be prioritising the requirement for all children to complete five or more reads recorded on the BoomReader app.


As we are approaching a healthy school status, we would like to remind all parents and children that the school policy is that breaktime snacks consist of only fruit or veg in its original form.

Social Media
In recent years, Year 5 classes have increasingly been impacted by the harmful effects of social media resulting in many children becoming deeply upset for a variety of reasons. The minimal age for ‘WhatsApp’ (for example) was 13, but has recently been raised to 16 (although this is not legally binding). We understand that it is very hard to prevent children from using social media, but we stress the importance of discussing and monitoring your child’s usage and implementing strategies to minimise the impact.


We appreciate that as the children grow older, they gain more independence. Children who wish to walk or cycle home on their own or with an older sibling must have a completed ‘Walking Home Alone’ form which is available from your class teacher.  In addition to this, children may bring a mobile phone only if it is for their safety while walking to and from school, before phones come into school parents must complete a ‘mobile phone’ form
Finally, your child may bring a small (must fit completely in their tray), named pencil case to school with their own equipment if they wish too.


If you have any further questions, please do get in touch with one of the team.


Many thanks,

The Year 5 Team (5W) (5R)





