Year 2
Welcome to Year Two.
2GP Mrs Gulley and Mrs Price
2G Miss Goodfellow
2L Miss Lewis
Our Teachers
![]() Miss Lewis |
![]() Mrs Gulley |
![]() Mrs Price |
![]() Miss Goodfellow |
and Our Learning Support Assistants
![]() Mrs Anderson |
![]() Miss Burton |
![]() Miss Lane |
![]() Miss Warren |
In English, we will be taking inspiration from the books The Crow’s Tale, The Great Fire of London and Meerkat Christmas. The children will be using these stories and some short video clips to produce descriptive writing. Across the school, we use The Write Stuff approach where children construct sentences and stack them into plot points. On the left page of their writing books, children will gather ideas as a class before composing their own sentence on the opposite page of their books. We can’t wait to read their wonderful stories! Any handwriting practice at home will be greatly appreciated.
This term, we will be reading The Great Dragon Rescue and The Dragon Snatcher. Children will read these aloud to develop fluency before answering questions in their book.
In-line with the school’s Reading policy, children are expected to read five times a week at home. Your child’s book will be changed weekly, or more often if required. Please support your child by logging reading on Boom Reader. For every week that your child has five logged reads, they will earn a raffle ticket that is entered into the end of term reading raffle. Please remember if your child completes a book and needs something else to read, we encourage them to read a range of home books and library books.
Children will continue to have whole-class phonics lessons to continue developing knowledge of sounds. Some children will also have phonics books to take home in addition to their banded book.
Within Autumn term, children will be completing three blocks: Place Value, Addition and Subtraction and Shape.
Children are also encouraged to regularly log into their Times Tables Rockstars account to practise their rapid recall of times tables facts, focusing on 2, 5 and 10 times tables.
In Science we will be studying units called The Apprentice Gardener (plants) Take Care and Growing Up (animals including humans).
We will be learning through our topics Being Me and Celebrating Difference.
P.E. and Swimming
P.E kits are still required to be worn to school on the day of your child’s P.E. lesson. School P.E. kit consists of plain black shorts or joggers, a black sweatshirt or hoody and white t-shirt (with or without the school logo) and trainers. Please ensure that if your child wears stud earrings to school, these are either removed by the child themselves or taped up with tape provided from home.
All Year 2 children will be doing outdoor PE on a Monday.
2GP and 2G will also have outdoor PE on a Wednesday so will be required to wear their PE kit to school on this day.
2L are swimming in the first term and therefore will need their swimming kit in school each Wednesday.