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Trinity Primary School Admissions Policy

Trinity Primary School is a Local Authority school and the Admissions Policy is therefore in line with the LA. 

The Local Authority has delegated to school governors the power to admit children who fit the age descriptions below.  In accordance with this delegation the school’s policy is as follows:

  • Children will be admitted in the September of the academic year in which they will be five.
  • Children whose 5th birthday falls between 1st  May and 31st August may be admitted for morning sessions or full time, depending on the child’s needs. This decision is made with the full consultation of the parents.
    For children entering the Reception year, applications must be made online before January 15th each year.  Parents are warmly invited to visit the school prior to application. The school and parents will be notified by the Local Authority of allocated places in March of the year of entry.
    Number of Places
    The planned admission number (PAN) is 84.
    If a place is not allocated and parents wish to appeal, the Local Authority’s Pupil Admissions Officer should be contacted for further information. 

The Education Act 1996 states that children must be admitted to school at the beginning of the term following their fifth birthday.